Monday, February 5, 2007

America's Day of Shame!

If you read Martian.Anthropologist, you'll remember VastLeft, of VastLeftWingConspiracy blog, and a regular contributor on MA. As a favor, he asked that I post on as many blogs as I can that today is the anniversary of a shameful day: Colin Powell, the Secretary of State, a respected military man and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, addressed the United Nations on Saddam Hussein's non-existent "weapons of mass destruction". If not exactly treason, it has damaged his reputation irreparably. (I lifted the photo from the Day of Shame website; I can't do "teh photoshop"--otherwise, it would be "stamped" with the word "Whore!")

Do you remember watching his speech to the UN? Did it make your afraid? In the photo, he's holding that "tell-tale" vial of (supposedly) anthrax. How well did he convince you that it really held Death?

On February 5, 2003, Secretary of State Colin Powell addressed the United Nations to rally support for an invasion of Iraq.

Outside of war co-planner the United Kingdom, few international troops would join the U.S. in the invasion and occupation.

Yet Powell's speech had a galvanizing effect on America's mainstream media. As one, they declared the presentation "compelling."

For a nation living in the ghostly shadow of the twin towers, the MSM's Good Warmaking seal of approval was enough to keep that treasonous question — "why?" — relatively unheard.

In this space, we'll consider what was lost that day, as we mark a sobering holiday: America's Day of Shame.

Please visit VastLeft's log page and share your thoughts about this tragic occasion — your recollections of the run-up to the Iraq war and your ideas on how we can fix a news establishment that traded its reporter's fedora for a cheerleader's uniform.

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