Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I respond

OpusHallelujahThe latest thing going around the atheistosphere is a list of questions on where atheists get their beliefs. This list helps define what atheism is to the individual atheist.

Funnily enough, and despite there being no dogma, there is a great deal of unanimity in the responses. In fact, far more unanimity than there seems to be within identical churches or from one xian to another. Dare I say it? My guess would be that our lack of dogma allows for simplicity...

So, here goes: My Answers in Atheism -
  • Why do you not believe in God? From a rational standpoint, it doesn't make sense to believe in the impossible; and we have found no irrefutable evidence of one - only fanciful stories about him.
  • Where do your morals come from? Simply from knowing that to be good, kind and ethical makes life easier for self and others.
  • What is the meaning of life? Life has no purpose. But propagation of the species does. What we do with the time we are alive is more important to others, since we have no afterlife to look forward to.
  • Is atheism a religion? No. No. And absolutely not!
  • If you don’t pray, what do you do during troubling times? Living the Serenity Prayer makes the most sense: Can it be fixed? Then fix it. If it can't be fixed? Accept it with maturity.
  • Should atheists be trying to convince others to stop believing in God? Yes. Encouraging people, actively or passively, to believe in a fantasy hinders their maturity.
  • Weren’t some of the worst atrocities in the 20th century committed by atheists? No. They committed the atrocities for political reasons: to gain power and remove threats to it. The "leaders" were only incidentally atheists; their actions weren't to make more atheists. Coincidentally, religion has commited attrocities for religio-political reasons: to consolidate power, to maintain power and to remove threats to it - and to make more believers through terror.
  • How could billions of people be wrong when it comes to belief in God? Because they were infected with the virus by their parents, starting in infancy. Religion is regional, tribal, and generational.
  • Why does the universe exist? The more elegant question is: why does the universe allow man to exist?
  • How did life originate? We don't know yet. But it's being investigated both vigorously and rigorously.
  • Is all religion harmful? Yes. It holds a false promise of an afterlife. It has an authoritarian power over the people who follow it. It uses their money to glorify individuals (Pope! Robertson! Dobson!) and does little for poverty, disease and quality secular education. It keeps adults in a child-like state.
  • What’s so bad about religious moderates? Because they stand as a bulwark protecting extremism by protecting and enabling the extremists. Both christianity and islam lean toward terroristic words and actions.
  • Is there anything redeeming about religion? I can't think of anything.
  • What if you’re wrong about God (and He does exist)? I'll take my chances, thanks. But I'm not worried.
  • Shouldn’t all religious beliefs be respected? Not really. Why should it?
  • Are atheists smarter than theists? Not necessarily smarter; but the fact is, the more education you have, the less you believe in god and the less you need faith. Atheism is not for the weak.
  • How do you deal with the historical Jesus if you don’t believe in his divinity? In my opinion, there was no biblical Jesus; the bible passes off second-, third- and fourth-hand narrative as "eyewitness testimony". Trust me, in a court of law, Jesus would have no "corpus" to be "habeas-ed"! It's all circumstantial evidence. And borrowed from earlier myths...
  • Would the world be better off without any religion? Yes. Everyone would be rated on their mature judgment and critical-thinking skills. And the money would be put to much better use.
  • What happens when we die? The human body is a "wet-cell battery". When the electrical power dies, the body dies and consciousness winks out like a television screen that's been turned off. This concept is too scary for children and childlike adults.
So, that's one atheist's perspective. Feel free to take the questions and answer them yourselves.

Monday, July 16, 2007

George puts a lip-lock on Harriet - eeyew!

cartoons_071407_d-1Harriet Miers, who has been shown to have a "crush" on the president, obeyed George's command to ignore a Congressional subpoena. The committee has voted to issue a "contempt of Congress" citation.

It now goes to a full vote.

Do we still have too many republicans in Congress? Dambetcha!